Reference List

Article de revue
1. Osborne CA. Don’t just do something — stand there: An exposition of Hippocrates’ admonition “First do no harm.” Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 1991;13:1248–1261.

Article de revue paginée par numéro
2. Mullis KB. The unusual origin of the polymerase chain reaction. Sci Am 1990;262:56–65.

3. Blood DC, Radostits OM. Veterinary Medicine. 7th ed. London, England: Baillière Tindall, 1989:845–857.

Ouvrage dont l’auteur est un éditeur, un compilateur ou un collectif
4. Thomson RG, ed. General Veterinary Pathology. 2nd ed. Toronto, Ontario: WB Saunders, 1984:407–411.

Chapitre d’un livre
5. Maxie MG. The urinary system. In: Jubb KVF, Kennedy PC, Palmer N, eds. Pathology of Domestic Animals. 3rd ed. Vol 2. Toronto, Ontario: Academic Press, 1985:343–411.

Mémoire ou thèse
6. Tessaro SV. A description and epizootiologic study of brucellosis and tuberculosis in bison in northern Canada [PhD dissertation]. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan, 1988.

Actes de conférences
7. LeCouteur RA, Kornegay JN, Higgins RJ. Late onset progressive cerebellar degeneration of Brittany spaniel dogs. Proc Annu Meet Coll Vet Intern Med 1988:657–658.

Matériel non publié
8. Kent ML, Poppe TT. Diseases of coldwater marine fish in cage culture. In: PTK Woo, Bruno DW, Lim SL, eds. Diseases of Finfish in Cage Culture. Oxford, UK: Agriculture and Biosciences Intl Publ, 1998:In press.

9. Tams T. Upper GI Endoscopy [CD-ROM]. Guelph, Ontario: Lifelearn, 2000.

Article de revue sur Internet
10. Taylor D McD. The appropriate use of references in a scientific research paper. Emerg Med Aust 2002;14:166–170. Available from: Last accessed #### 2021.

Monographie sur Internet
11. Foley B. Dexamethasone for veterinary use [monograph on the Internet]. Swedesboro, New Jersey: Wedgewood Pharmacy c2001–2002. Available from: Last accessed #### 2021.

Page d’accueil ou site Web
12. Glossary of Internet and Web Jargon. UC Berkeley Library [homepage on the Internet]. Berkeley: University of California c1995–2004 [updated 2004 January 7]. Available from: Last accessed #### 2021.

Partie d’une page d’accueil ou d’un site Web
13. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association [homepage on the Internet] c2007 The Canadian Veterinary Journal [updated monthly]. Available from: Last accessed #### 2021.

Base de données sur Internet
14. Directory of Canadian Veterinarians and Clinics [database on the Internet] Ottawa: Canadian Veterinary Medical Association c2007.